Saturday, September 6, 2008


Please tell me what you have learned so far. Do you think you have learned something new and interesting or you have learned nothing from this week? What do you think about the lessons? What would you do to make the lessons more interesting?


ETEC 424 said...

I am really enjoying the class. I have learned many things. I found out you could blog right from the Word 2007 program and the main thing I learned was how to use the 2007 program better. That was a blessing because I have a ton of papers to write. I now have a better understanding of blogs. Not only can they be a great way to socialize but it can be a very good educational tool. The only thing I might would change about the class would be the textbook. It is a great book but at times it can put me to sleep. But other then that I am having a great semester and I am looking forward to the rest.

Bradley said...

I think most of the things we have looked at have been great advances for some fields. What im having a hard time with is trying to figure out how I can use this in the math field. Since most of us in math have been programed to watch the teacher write on the board or on an over-head projector. But I would like to figure out how to integrate it in to my classroom.

Bradley Burks

Allisonkaye615 said...

I am having fun in this class, while still learning. I really do not feel like this class has been to challanging; this course is serving as a refresher course for me. I did however enjoy looking at inspiration, because I had not done that before. I think that your lessons are set up very well and have objectives that are useful. I do not have any suggestions at this point.

sheenam said...

I'm enjoying what I've learned in this class so far. I really liked the information on Word 2007. I also found the Inspiration program to be a very useful tool for classrooms and am glad that I've been introduced to it. I look forward to learning more throughout the semester.

Carmen Chadwick said...

I am grateful to be learning something so relative. I use Word all the time, however, I have not taken the opportunity to really learn how to use 2007 effectively. This past week in class, I received some great tools that have pointed me in the right direction. Also, I learned about a new program, Inspiration. I will take a closer look at this program over the summer.

I am really enjoying this class, both the format as well as the content.

Simply Shay said...

First, I would like to say, I am actually enjoying this class more than I thought I would. I am doing things i never would have thought to do on my own. I have never been a fan of blogging but the way it was introduced in your class has me intrigued to learn more. I feel like this is actually going to be a great educational tool of advancement. Secondly, I would not change anything about the class, because i feel like the learning curve is begining to open up and inspire all of us to want to settle in and see what is coming next. I am very excited to see what else is in store for us in this fascinating class.

Bailey said...

This class is really intresting at first when i signed up for the class i thought it was going to be boring and a lot of work, but i really enjoy it. I heard about blogs but never really understood it untill i got into this class. I think blogs are a great tool for classes so the students can help each other out with anything or just to stay in touch. The lessons are good and easy to follow. Its things or class work i have never done brfore and i can learn a lo from them for when i start teaching. I really don't know as of right now what i would do to make the lessons more interesting because we are just getting into it but when something boring comes up i will let you know! : )

Blair Dawn said...

I'm enjoying this class. Although what we have talked about in class I have previously learned in other courses it is nice to have these aspects refreshed in my mind. I think technology is an intricate part of education today. I hope that it will continue to be taught successfully to our students.

Annette said...

I actually look forward to this class! In two weeks it's enlightened me that I CAN be the English teacher that makes it FUN. The programs we have used and the tools I have learned so far make me feel like there is hope for me! haha.
I'm not sure there is much to be improved on. You're personable, you explain things well, and you're easy to come to with questions, which is vital for any teacher/professor. The course itself maybe be challenging down the road, but for right now, I am enjoying myself while planning for my future classroom!

alyssa said...

This week i have learned more about the software inspiration and all the different things you can do with it. Also, i have never blogged before so this is also new to me and will be helpful in my classroom in the future. The only thing i would change about the class would be to have a pair of headphone in the computer lab for each student so we can listen to the online assignments. This would help us to make better use of our class time and help us get our assignment done faster. I dont really have any suggestions on how to make the class more interesting unless you could find a movie for us to watch one day that somehow relates to the class.

John Pierce said...

So far I have learned about how to blog and also about the Inspiration software program. I have learned some new tricks for using Microsoft word which I did not know before and have been helpful when I am writing. The lessons have been designed to force us as students to think of ways to utilize this technology and figure out a way for us to integrate into the classroom when we become teachers. I wouldn't really do anything to make the lessons more interesting because everything we have done so far has been pretty engaging.

Shelley Witherspoon said...

So far in the class I have learned of some excellent software aand tools that I will be able to utilize in my own English classroom. I am excited to be able to work with these a bit more. I have enjoyed the class and I believe it will be beneficial to my educational career. I do not know what I would do differently as far as teachig this material.

*Amanda* said...

Like everyone else, I really like your class. I love the idea of being able to integrate technology into my classroom. I think Inspiration 8 is an excellent program and I'm looking forward to trying it. The lessons have not been really hard, but they aren't boring, either. I don't have any suggestions at this point, either.

Anonymous said...

I have learned many different things so far. I have never used a blog until this class. I am glad you had us look at Inspiration, I think it will be a useful tool for us as teachers. I have also learned some things about Word 2007 I did not know. I think you are showing us things that will be really useful to us as teachers.
I am enjoying the class and look foward to the rest of semester.

Collette McClure said...

This class has been a little unorthodox for me. I have never had a class quite like this one before. I enjoy learning about how to integrate technology into the classroom. I never really thought about all the ways to bring technology into the classroom and you have already showed us several ways to do so.
By giving us ideas such as blogging and using Imagine it will enable us to became a better teacher in today's society.

KaylaMorgan said...

I really enjoy your class so far. I never had a blog before or even looked at one so it was interesting to see how they could not only be helpful to an individual, but in the classroom as well. Also, the Inspiration tour was really beneficial and I think it could be a great tool to use in my classroom one day. I like your lessons. You seem to understand, moreso than some other professors, that we have a lot of work to do in all of our classes and you have made it very easy to get the work done on time, if not early. I don't see how the lessons could be more interesting than they are already. I think it's a great class and I feel happy that I can work at my own pace as opposed to classes which force everyone to trudge along together.

Mary K. McPherson said...

This class seems straight so far. This is my first course that's primarly online. Of course this is my first semester here, so I'm not quite use to being online so much for school unless it was for studying. I've learned some things but some things I already knew, since my field is computer science I've been through some of it. I will be teaching via the computer so this class has been very interesting to me. I think the class is interesting enough.

Gina said...
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Gina said...

I have learned how to blog. I think that blogging is helpful, because when I need help on a assignment I can post my question on my blogger and I can get help from my classmates. The only thing that I would change to make the class more interesting is get rid of the textbook, because it the textbook is boring.

Heather V. said...

I have learn a great deal from this class already. I really enjoyed seeing "Inspiration" because it is something I could use in my classroom. The lessons in this class allow you to get feedback from your peers and I really like that. Most of the lessons are teaching me new stuff so I really wouldn't change anything.

aaronkinneyWP11 said...

I am liking this class...learned how useful a blog can be in a class. nothing really comes to mind

Angela said...

I have learned a lot so far. It is a very interesting class. I have always seen blog posts , but never used one so I learned something new. It is also something I will probably use more frequently, and I never thought about using it in the classroom. I think it will be very useful in the classroom and the students learn a lot from each others feedback. I liked learning about inspirations and I think it is a good program that would be useful in the classroom as well. I am very interested to see what is in store for us in classes to come.


Lori said...

I enjoy the class very much. I love to be albe to learn new things about technology. I had never blogged before and find it something fun to work on. I think the lessons are great as long as we keep learning something new, even though I don't think the book is always as helpful as the hands on training we get in class.


Boomhower said...

I have really enjoyed myself in this class so far. I learn how to use the blogger, that was fun. I have most like found a good tool in the Insipration program to use in my hitory classroom. The lessons are great. They are not too hard but they are not easy. An effort has to be made and I like that. I think this will the class I have the most fun in.

Mariana said...

So far I would say I had really learn how to blog and how different programs can help us to make our teaching career more easy and interesting. For, me it has been really excited to learn new things. Because learning new things it could help me in the long-run. I would say that so far it had been a good experience because I'm not really good when it comes using technology. But hopefully after taking this class it would help me to become better each time. This week I had learn how useful can be using Inspiration because it would be easy for students to complete any task or project. It also would allow students to be creative. Therefore, I this three weeks I had learn new things that I like. Thank you.. =)

Jess said...

I am enjoying this class and learning quite a bit. I also, am wondering how to use these things that we are learning when teaching math. Usually it is just sitting, watching a teacher writing numbers and stuff on the board or overhead, and it usually turns kids off. That is the only suggestion I have.

Tanner said...

I am really enjoying the class so far. I have learned how to blog and incorparate technology into the classroom. I thought that inspiration was a very good program as well. I don't believe I would change anything I believe things are going well. I look forward to learning new things in this class.

Monnie said...

I have learned to blog. Although in the beginning I did not believe that this was useful I now see that it is an easy way to interact and get feedback from fellow students. I also liked the inspiration program we looked at.

JMD 25 said...

I have enjoyed class so far and the lessons have been useful. I have learned many things about shortcuts in Microsoft Word 07. I also have a better understanding of blogs and their usefulness. The textbook is useful, but its clarity to the student is boring and written in monotonic format.

Anonymous said...

I learn that there is a easier program out there instead of powerpoint. I found this program to be very useful. It will be something I use in the classroom everyday.

Kayla Lee said...

I have learned a lot in this class. I have been shown some great tools for when I start teaching. I will be teaching ag. so we will have more hands on work then writeing papers but I can still have my students use Inspration to orgnize their ideas when putting togather a presentation for subjects such as animal science or plant science and so on. I think the lessons are imformitive and fun.

eKlass said...

I am really enjoying this class a whole lot. I have learned a few things that I didn't even know about, like inspiration which you can do alot of things when you are a teacher and also Word 2007 which you can also do alot more things about it, and also the blogging is really cool since it was my first time doing one it was really good. The one thing I would change is to not have a book for the class, but overall, this class is fun and cool and I would like to see what this class holds in the future and you are a fair teacher as well.

Anonymous said...

Well I think this class is great and easy. I have learned about the Word 2007 because i have never really seen it. It is very different from the original. I thought the Inspiration program was cool. It gets the kids to have fun and they learn from it. I also thought the blogging was neat since I have never done it before as well. I just think the book isn't really neccasary unless you look back on it for little details for the thing you are doing on the computer.
I am really enjoying this class and can't wait for the rest of it.

Rejuss said...

I think class has been going pretty good so far. I learn some new things. A lot of this has been review though. I really liked the "inasparation" program i have always question how they make those charts so nice and neat; Now I have my answer.

Robert Reed said...

I'm sitting in my ETEC class, and this is my first blog. My name is Robert Reed, I am a Kinesiology major at Texas A&M University - Commerce. I have enjoyed my time here, and plan on staying two more years and getting my Masters. I am also in the process of getting my all level certification which means I take many education classes with a variety of people whom have different majors. This class is no exception. It is interesting to see how everyone interacts with each other.

In the future, I plan on implementing as much educational technologies as possible. Times are obviously "changing" (change being the keyword for the next 4 years) and classrooms will only follow this trend. In my experience with classes, I have enjoyed them more when they are web enhanced or when the teacher allows us to use computers, handheld devices and tools involved with my major (kinesiology). I feel like I am able to relate to the classroom setting more when these tools are involved, because I myself consume myself with the internet and the information it has to offer. Educational technology will only become more prominent and will be necessary for us, as future educators, to reach out to our students and bridge the student-teacher gap. I feel like there is a gap amongst current educators who have been teaching for a long time, and do not have a grasp of technology. They stick to old school methods, which are monotonous and "old school." These were once effective, and probably still are, but I find myself always wanting more when I have these kind of teachers.

Technology in education will be playing a very prominent role in the future, and it is our job to learn everything we can about it.

acampbell1 said...

I am really enjoying the class. I have learned many things but I have liked this week alot more. Simply because I have learned how to enhance my powerpoints to add various types of multimedia. The only thing that I would change is the amount of blogging because you could substitue that for a group discussion in class.